Stay Inspired & Find New Ways to Think Strategically.

Reading large digital marketing blogs like Hubspot, Moz, or Neil Patel can help you keep a pulse on newer techniques. But typically we see the same buzz terms and techniques come into the mix, get overused by everyone, and then become part of the essential mix without being a competitive edge. Here are a few examples:

  • Account Based Marketing

  • Keyword Mapping

  • Content Gap Analysis

Here’s some accounts that will help you with fresh perspectives.

I love following these people for some new spins on marketing! Here they are along with some of their key advice.

#1 Virginia Kerr

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Virginia Kerr’s Instagram account @thisisvirginiakerr is packed with ways to speak directly and feel more confident on camera. However, she has some guidelines for Instagram in general that really work for any content strategy. Here are some key points:

  • Talk to 1 person (on camera, captions, your bio, blogs, anything!). Instead of saying “Hey guys, just popping on Instagram to share this outfit”, say “You’re gonna love this outfit! It’s super soft and stretchy, but it looks formal.”

  • Stop posting “look at me content”. Instead of “look at these shoes!” with a cute picture, post a guide for people to find the best affordable shoes. “This guide will help you find the perfect fit!” People who post a lot of “look at me content” are going to see less growth and are less likely to monetize the account.

#2 Kathryn Shubert and Macy McNeely

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These girls run the account @theguideculture - which helps people make sales by better communicating product value and targeting the right buyers. On their personal accounts, they usually talk about how to organize your day to maximize efficiency. 

But Macy had one Instagram video in particular that caught my attention… How to answer questions effectively. She says that the best way to answer a question is with another question. This “answer question” is meant to get context on why the question was asked. See her example in the full video:

#3 Marie Forleo

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I stumbled across Marie on Youtube, and she is definitely the most popular of all these accounts. I’m not sure what her exact business is, but she seems to be sort of a life coach. She’s also an entrepreneur who teaches you better business strategies.

One piece of advice I found extremely helpful was about prioritization. She said before children, she was working full days seeing a certain level of business growth. After she had children, she had to cut her time in half… but still saw the SAME business growth.

Lesson learned! She was filling her day with useless tasks to “stay busy” as many of us do. She said some of the social media posts with fancy graphics were time suckers, and once she cut them out, her team could focus on more productive tasks.

I think about this example whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed. Am I making a newsletter for the sake of sending something out? Or am I actually going to drive value in this newsletter?

These accounts aren’t exactly marketing focused, but advice for clear communication and efficiency should be helpful in marketing!


Evaluate 3 types of content strategy frameworks


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